As we all know, Halloween is coming in just a couple of days. I'm excited even though I'm not actually going to do anything because well, I'm lazy =P. Actually I will be handing out candy/chocolate.
Halloween is the time of embracing the darkness, what's wrong with that? From the ghouls, monsters, demons, magic, witches, evil and everything else in between, Halloween is fun. The air is colder, the fog is coming and going, the street lights are coming out earlier, sun is setting faster, the night is longer and darker. Then we have the people, majority in costumes, some scary, some cute (especially the kids/babies), teens and young adults are playing with fireworks, candy is everywhere and pranks. Some people will want to scare, other will be scared. Now we got what's on TV and the big screen, it's time for those recent horror films and classics to be played, funny thing is that this year there's not that many horror films out this time but there's always Paranormal Activities. I've notice there's more of a historical feel in movies this time like Three Musketeers, Anonymous, Rum Diary, and others. But that doesn't matter, the TV Halloween specials are just as good or the classics.
Anyways back to my point. Halloween.