Saturday, January 28

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Not Snow.

Snow Jan 28
Alright, I love snow. The look of snow is just wonderful. The crisp cold air, is fine too but I prefer the warmth of a hot dry summer day. Either way, I don't really get that because I live in the Greater Vancouver area, which means mild climate and a lot of rain.

That means we get snow but it last for about a couple days and ice starts to form. The wetness of the area will create slush which means no more winter wonderland. I love snow but I hate the aftermath of snow.

Unfortunately, thanks to climate change or global warming, our Earth is being effed up and the weather here has been bonkers because well, our winters are getting colder, summers a lot hotter and the mildness of the our use-to-be weather is changing extremely.

It has snowed last week but thankfully we got a little rain storm which washed it all away. Today, it snowed again and again there's a little rain as seen in the picture. Please go away snow, I rather have rain because there's no ice.

Snow is wonderful but the aftermath is painful, especially if you're an adult. I drive like an 80 year old grandma when there's snow.

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