Tuesday, August 7

K It's Official

Well, after thinking for some time, I have decided to move this blog to my another blog,  Ocaeyan . I am doing this for consistency and yeah. I am working on the page.

Friday, July 27

Drawings: Looking Back WIP

Hey everyone,

Summer has been well, I like to get out of the house from time to time so again, I apologize for my lack of posting anything.

I have been drawing for a bit and here's a little snippet of it:

Looking Back WIP, July 2012.
I have also been planning to move this blog, I will continue on that thought later on.

Sunday, July 1

Happy Canada Day!!

Just wanted to say Happy Canada Day everyone! It's Canada's 145th birthday! We're not that old at all.
Image from.

Guess where I'm in

Hey everyone, here's a post I wanted to post when I first landed in China but I soon realize blogger doesn't work in China so I just took a two month hiatus from blogging.

I'm in China.

As of right now I'm in Guangzhou. This place is exactly like Vietnam which means I'll get used to but I'm only staying here for one night then I'm off to Beijing. Awesome =)

But I'm flipping tired, it's like 4 in the morning back home and I didn't really sleep on the plane. Haha I would rather watched How I Meet Your Mother, I really didn't know why I didn't catch on to the show earlier.

And the hotel I'm staying at is called Hanting Hotel. My initial thought was haunting. Not exactly a great start.
Also my dad freaking got me sick. Since I sat next to him on a 12 hour flight. Boo. Well my throat hurts right now, I'll be coughing soon.

Later I'll talk about stereotypes haha especially about the Asians stereotypes. =)

That's the post, I'll start posting a lot more since I'm getting my vibe back. And it's July, ma bday month so it's a little present.

Wednesday, June 20


I'm back from my trip to China. Got back yesterday and I am extremely lazy. All I want to do is nothing. I am doing nothing, but somehow time is flying and technically I have been back for almost 2 days now (well more like 36 hours); it feels like I literally just got back.

Anyways, I will slowly talk about my trip.

Wednesday, May 2

Continuing on With Rawr Day.

How should I start? Ok, I am leaving on Friday and I am going to China. YAY! First time there, I am going to be a fob there, since I don't speak Mandarin and I really don't know how it is going to be. Anyways, my father wanted me to get some Iphones for our trip so we can just get a prepaid sim cards there and use those phones.

Yesterday, I found a great ass deal on iphones, I ordered 3 and today I told my father I got the iphones, they will arrive on Friday. He then told me that I am leaving on Friday. Mind that before he said we were leaving on SATURDAY! What the fa. I am so pissed at him for this misinformation. So I had to cancel the order, the manager called and I told him yeah I want to cancel. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't read my emails before hand, he just called me right as I got home. I read those emails and they could have done an overnight shipment so I can get those phones by tomorrow night. PGIONHASPKLGJANSKLGJNADSL, now I regret saying I want to cancel my stupid order. It was such a great deal. Like it was 70% off deal. Such a great deal gone. Boo.

Rawr! >=(

I had the worst sleep EVER. Well, the worst sleep so far in my new house. I am not a happy camper today so I'm on edge. Luckily, I took a shower and I love water so that calmed me down. I am still not happy. Like a baby, a good sleep = happy, a bad sleep = grouchy bear.

I went to bed at my usual time, 1ish. Then I heard my dad come home, he took a shower then decided to FREAKING blow dry his hair. I cannot sleep. Since my bedroom is beside the bathroom. Later I heard my aunt or whoever coming out of their room to do whatever, that woke me up. Then my grandma decided to wake up at like 230ish and walk around the house. No. Ok, she wears slipper sandals so there's that walking sound tumbling around. Boo. Also my body/mind kept on tossing and turning. UGH. I no happy. =( I need to go out today to cope. Ha