Wednesday, May 2

Rawr! >=(

I had the worst sleep EVER. Well, the worst sleep so far in my new house. I am not a happy camper today so I'm on edge. Luckily, I took a shower and I love water so that calmed me down. I am still not happy. Like a baby, a good sleep = happy, a bad sleep = grouchy bear.

I went to bed at my usual time, 1ish. Then I heard my dad come home, he took a shower then decided to FREAKING blow dry his hair. I cannot sleep. Since my bedroom is beside the bathroom. Later I heard my aunt or whoever coming out of their room to do whatever, that woke me up. Then my grandma decided to wake up at like 230ish and walk around the house. No. Ok, she wears slipper sandals so there's that walking sound tumbling around. Boo. Also my body/mind kept on tossing and turning. UGH. I no happy. =( I need to go out today to cope. Ha

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