Wednesday, March 7

I LOVE Bubble Tea.

Strawberry Lemon Black Tea.
I love bubble tea. It's the mixture of tea, fruits and tapioca pearls is what I just love about it. The flavours just intertwine so well together.

For those of you who does not know what bubble tea is, here's a little explanation. Bubble tea originated from Taiwan, it is a drink that consists of tea and fruits. It depends on the person but you can have tapioca pearls or fruit flavoured jellies. It comes with a big straw in which you can suck up whatever's there. But you can decide not to have any pearls or jellies. BUT try them out first before hating. I on the other hand LOOOOVEE pearls, there chewy and sweet and just so yummy.

Bubble tea can come as a slushy or smoothie or just a regular tea drink. Try bubble tea whenever you're in an Asian area but there are some BAD bubble tea out there. It is best to try a bubble tea shop then ordering bubble tea from an Asian restaurant. And if you're in Taiwan, you got to have some bbt (bubble tea), they are the originator.

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