Wednesday, April 18

Loving Lyric Videos

Alright, I don't know if you guys have realize this trend that artists' are releasing lyric videos. I say trend because recently many artists' are releasing it but this has been here for a long time. For me, Selena Gomez has been doing it for a while now and she does it in Spanish as well. 

Take a look of some videos from The Wanted, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato and Linkin Park.
I am liking this new trend because as a fellow singer in her own privacy, I like to sing and I am pretty sure many of us out there do but what we don't like is when we messed up on the lyrics of a song. It's a hassle that we have to go look up the lyrics, some sites are shady.  Brava music industry to pick up on this.

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