Saturday, April 21

Talkity Talk Talk

I am so hell bent to get this phone. Morning people, how's your day so far? I'm good (it's sunny outside so I'm all giddy and happy). Recently I have been talking on the phone a lot, why? I have no idea, I really don't use my phone at all but yeah.
When I am in a good mood, I become this extroverted person who wants to talk to everyone in the whole wide world. I don't know why, I just want to continue to yap away until my mouth runs dry. I am not much of a talker more of a listener. Now I just want to talk.

I have been on CL and Ebay and Amazon and everywhere trying to get a good deal on this phone, (retail for 6, trying to get it for 3ish) for my father cause his phone sucks ass. Also, trying to get like 2 or 3 iphones because i am going away and well, it's a nice gift to the others.

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