Monday, April 2

Rant: Bratty People

I don't get why people can become so bratty? Why would you want act like a brat? Do you like being branded as a brat? Because I know people know being label as a brat is a bad thing.

Like bitch can be turn to a good or bad thing. Diva, player, etc. Some labels that originated as something bad can be turn to something good. But brat; no.

By definition a brat is someone who acts like a child, who's impolite, selfish, spoiled. Unfortunately I live with a brat.

I love my family, I would do anything for them if I could in my powers. I would easily die for them. They are my everything. Family means everything to me. But I can't control who is in my family. I can control who is in 'my' family like a really good friend who I have known forever but I can't control the family I have. And here's me being selfish but I wish I could.

I have this cousin, she's a teenager and well she's the epitome of a brat or a teen angst girl or ldgnads;glan. She makes me so mad. I have never met anyone who actually makes me as angry as she does. I have never done anything to another person than her. Example: I have never gave a person the silent treatment except for her.

I am hoping that this is just a phase but it has been 2 years, maybe more but that's a long time for a 'phase'. Honestly, she makes me so mad that if she had died, I wouldn't care. I'm pretty sure I would not shed a tear, I would be relieved. She is such a waste of resource and energy. I don't get why my aunt is so forgiving. Probably because that's her daughter and yeah. But the girl does nothing.

She never helps around the house. You have to literally yell at her to do a simple task. When her mother makes dinner or lunch or breakfast or any kind of food and tells her it's time to eat with your family. You have to wait for her at least 5 minutes because she's either playing a game or talking to some randoms on that game.

She stinks like ass, you have to like I said before, yell at her to shower. I am not joking when I say she stinks like ass. She has some major ugly b.o. The girl has this self righteous view of herself; she acts like she rules the world. She has never done anything that actually helps the world or her family. I don't get it.

She is obsess with this online game, I feel like she talks to them more because she feels as if they are more trusting. When you upset her; she shuts down and gives off this major negative energy. Yet she thinks that she's so strong but she has no backbone and when she actually puts up a fight with you; she can't handle it.

In her world, a second means a minute, yes means maybe; sure is her favourite word because it doesn't give you a definite answer; it sorta means yes but it kind of doesn't. Another annoying thing about her; she bottles her feelings of you if she doesn't like you, she would not even bother letting you know that you annoy her. She just gives off her annoying energy.

Another thing: she is never grateful ever. Her mother works two jobs, day and night, the women is old and she barely sleeps. The only thing she wants from her daughter is to be respectful of her wishes. Like don't stay up too late. A simple request but never followed through. She has everything she wants, a laptop, mom got her one, a mp3 player (back then), mom got her one. Clothes, got some, shoes, ok. A new mouse for her laptop, yup got that too. Anything she asks for, she gets. Grateful? No.

She never shares, also cheap. She would take all your money in a heartbeat but she would not ever give you a dime if you asks for it. She would say she doesn't have it. She would take or use anything that is yours without asking, hoping she won't get caught. She uses everything to her comfort, we all know this planet is dying at a dramatic rate and she does nothing to help saves it.

To my bratty cousin: BE GRATEFUL OF WHAT YOU HAVE. You can easily be on the streets if I can get my way around. Sometimes I wish I could just destroy her laptop (her most precious thing) in front of her. 

I know she is not a fan of me because I am up front of everything and I know she doesn't like that. She doesn't like to be called out for anything and she feels like she needs to be a smart ass and be sarcastic when there's a serious business. She jokes and makes fun of a situation that is serious that is not about her. And the worst thing is that she's not stupid, she is smart and she feels that just because she get the grades, she can do anything she wants.

She is lucky that she has my aunt and her sister who I like. Sometimes I hope she just runs away or get out of this family but I know her mom and sister would not like it. But the girl is so useless. You can at least help your immediate family.

She makes me so angry and I can't do anything about it. I can't let it out because she would just laugh about it and it wouldn't even go into her head. By the way she is living, she won't get anywhere. She is sooo lucky to have her mom.

I don't know what to do about all this anger but I am not getting anymore. I am not going to put any effort in helping her. I am not going to try to talk to her. She is nothing to me now.

I want her out of this house. She can go live with her messed up father, I don't care. No one in this family would except her mother. Her sister will miss her but it's better. She is just taking up space and resources. I don't want to pay for anything she uses but I have to. Since my father and I takes care of all the house bills.

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