Tuesday, January 31

Foundation + Mascara + Mini Spree = Girly Me.

Yesterday, I did a mini spree of stuff.

Make Up I bought.
I went to a local fabric store that has a lot of stuff at generally wholesale prices but I didn't look through it enough. I just got my lining at $4.50 (cheap) but unfortunately I couldn't get the Bemberg lining in the right colour so I settled for the cheaper Satin lining instead with the right colour. I want to make a suede waterfall jacket with a colour pop lining.

Monday, January 30

Broken Hearted Girl

Image From.
I just watched Once Upon a Time, a tv show about fairy tales that is intertwine with modern day. I love that show. Anyways, I just watch the 7:15 episode (yes I know I am an episode behind) and it got me thinking about my own love life.

Sunday, January 29

What I Want to Be.

Alright, I'm twenty-ish something, I have completed school and will not go back unless I get an awesome scholarship to New York, London, or Belgium. Anyways,  my point of this post is that what I have ALWAYS wanted to be or do in my life is to be a superhero. To save the world numerous times, to have two identities, to be able to be secretive but also revealing. I don't see anything wrong with that lifestyle.

A lot of Heroes and Villains
It could be all the cartoons I have watched when I was younger that has implanted my mind of being a hero and saving the world or it could have been that I wanted to be different. Either way, why can't this world have superheros in masks and tights who has special powers and gives hope to the world?

Saturday, January 28

Let It Snow. Let It Snow. Let It Not Snow.

Snow Jan 28
Alright, I love snow. The look of snow is just wonderful. The crisp cold air, is fine too but I prefer the warmth of a hot dry summer day. Either way, I don't really get that because I live in the Greater Vancouver area, which means mild climate and a lot of rain.

That means we get snow but it last for about a couple days and ice starts to form. The wetness of the area will create slush which means no more winter wonderland. I love snow but I hate the aftermath of snow.

Unfortunately, thanks to climate change or global warming, our Earth is being effed up and the weather here has been bonkers because well, our winters are getting colder, summers a lot hotter and the mildness of the our use-to-be weather is changing extremely.

It has snowed last week but thankfully we got a little rain storm which washed it all away. Today, it snowed again and again there's a little rain as seen in the picture. Please go away snow, I rather have rain because there's no ice.

Snow is wonderful but the aftermath is painful, especially if you're an adult. I drive like an 80 year old grandma when there's snow.

DIM: Wallet

DIM - Do It Myself

Before and After.
My mother had gave me a wallet of the fake Burberry kind and me being a fashion person, does not except fakes of any brands. So I decided to change it up. I took out the awful Burberry logo out, a piece of cheap ass 'pleather' fabric off the centre metal plate and remove any sticky residue by moisturizer. After that I started to bedazzle the wallet.

Click to see the process.


Boo! OMG.

As some of you may notice, I draw and 'recently' I started to go some digital art via painting it in Photoshop and now my tablet is broken. I am pissed beyond belief and I feel lost.

I got my tablet in September and 4 months later, it's gone. Basically, the past week, I notice my tablet has been going off, if that makes sense, it turns off automatically but the tablet does not have an on/off switch. My conclusion was that there's something wrong with the USB cable that connects the tablet to computer (in my case: laptop). Generally I have been researching if anyone else has this problem with the Wacom Intuos4 and it turns out (after 20 minutes of looking into it and a lot of searches) that there's an issue with the actual tablet and it's port that connects it to the computer. Luckily, I have notice that my cable, when I move it or even touch it, it  turns off the tablet so I am hoping that it's only a cable issue and not an actual port issue. In which I have spent money on a piece of crap item.

Monday, January 23

Happy New Year

For all of you who celebrates Lunar Near Year, I wish you all luck, happiness and prosperity to you and your family.

2012 Year of the Dragon Canadian Mint $5 Gold Coin
Obviously from the image above, this is the year of the Dragon. The dragon is the only animal that is mythical in the Asian horoscope and I am hoping that this year like the Dragon would be special/magical.


Wednesday, January 11

Drawings: Day Has Arrived

YAY! I finally finished a profile image. It took a long while, I started a while back but never work on it until this week. 

Again, I like to include a close up because in any of my drawings (except any fashion illustrations) I work on the face more than anything and I like to show you guys the details.
Day Has Arrived, Jan 2012

Saturday, January 7

What are you afraid of?


I am terrified of rats/rodents/mice you know. I honestly do not know why I just am. 
My other fear is dolls. I guess this is my superstitious/ believer in the supernatural self and thinks pretty much any doll will become possess and will try to murder the family before you. 

Those are my fears but what I am afraid of, the list is longer

I am afraid of not having a home to go to.
I am afraid of losing my family. 
I am afraid that anything that is sentimental to me will be forever gone. 
I am afraid that I will not be able to go into the field I want to go in. 
I am afraid that where I am now is the last/only place I will ever be. 
I am afraid that I will not be able to grow anymore (in terms of spirituality, soul, human)

Fears and being scared is what prevents anyone to do more, it prevents us to grow and be better. Our conscious and mind can hold us down and pretty much chain us up

For instance, my friend asks me if we should go to Hawaii as just fun vacationing trip sometime this year. My father asks me if I want to go Vietnam for about a month, just to hang out around the family and travel the country even more (I want to go to central and north Vietnam). And of course, I was hesitant. I feel like I should just go for just the hell of it. Quit being so logical and start being impulsive, well at least once in a while. 

Quit Being a --------!!

To myself,

Why are you such a nuisance?

From myself.

Alright, I recently became unemployed because the holiday season is over. Now I have no source of income and I really should be looking for a job but I'm not. Instead I just sit here at home wanting to clean it up, get my brothers room more organize because right now, I'm calling it the junk room. Sorry dude. And honestly, if I am not going to be looking for work then at least I can make myself useful and help around the house. And again, I'm not because I guess I'm just being lazy. A terrible feature to have.

Or I can start drawing or making something. I want to be a designer and yet, I'm here on the couch being a who-knows-what. If I really want to become something (and this goes to anyone who's reading this) START WORKING ON IT! Really how hard is it? I am an artist, I know I'm good a making things come to life. I know I can draw and create something from my imagination. I know I can imagine anything in the world (this is sometimes an issue with myself). More than anything is that I am kind of mad at myself for being mainly a coward.

Friday, January 6

Drawing List

I feel like I have been extremely lazy in my art work and I really need to kick myself to either wake up or to get myself going.

Here's a list of what drawings I HAVE to do (said by me) that I need to complete:

- a profile image
- a male picture
- a warrior
- an archer
- landscape
- planetary landscape
- a group picture

If you guys have any suggestions, just comment below because I NEED a lot of practice.

New Year Update =)

Hey everyone, I know I haven't post anything in a LONG ASS time and I apologize, it's just there has been a few changes in my life that I just had to get use to and sometimes I am just lazy. Yes, I said that word but at least I know who I am.

 So what had happen since November/December is that:
 - I move into my new home with my father in a different city
 - Also moved into a new home with my mother in another different city
 - I got a car!!!!!! Yeah yeah =D (I'll post a picture up later through the year)
 - I have stopped working (because the season died), so now I need to find a new job (yay, not really but gotta pay the bills)
 - And last but not least I have been sick since Christmas eve, not fun

 Well those are the big changes that had happened. Anyways HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! And well I am gonna blog more so in the next feel days if there seems to be a wave of posts, I'm just expressing myself. (There are a lot of emotions that I have to let out before I make something explode)