Friday, January 6

New Year Update =)

Hey everyone, I know I haven't post anything in a LONG ASS time and I apologize, it's just there has been a few changes in my life that I just had to get use to and sometimes I am just lazy. Yes, I said that word but at least I know who I am.

 So what had happen since November/December is that:
 - I move into my new home with my father in a different city
 - Also moved into a new home with my mother in another different city
 - I got a car!!!!!! Yeah yeah =D (I'll post a picture up later through the year)
 - I have stopped working (because the season died), so now I need to find a new job (yay, not really but gotta pay the bills)
 - And last but not least I have been sick since Christmas eve, not fun

 Well those are the big changes that had happened. Anyways HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! And well I am gonna blog more so in the next feel days if there seems to be a wave of posts, I'm just expressing myself. (There are a lot of emotions that I have to let out before I make something explode)

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