Sunday, January 29

What I Want to Be.

Alright, I'm twenty-ish something, I have completed school and will not go back unless I get an awesome scholarship to New York, London, or Belgium. Anyways,  my point of this post is that what I have ALWAYS wanted to be or do in my life is to be a superhero. To save the world numerous times, to have two identities, to be able to be secretive but also revealing. I don't see anything wrong with that lifestyle.

A lot of Heroes and Villains
It could be all the cartoons I have watched when I was younger that has implanted my mind of being a hero and saving the world or it could have been that I wanted to be different. Either way, why can't this world have superheros in masks and tights who has special powers and gives hope to the world?

That being said, I know if I become a hero, I can easily turn into a villain. Reasons why: I like power, I like controlling people, I like things going my way or else but that could be because I am the oldest child and always had to take care and stuff.

So world, would you want to be a hero or villain if you could? 

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