Wednesday, February 8

Moody Tummy

Today, I'm chilling at my brother's place because tomorrow I have to pick up my mother from the airport. Well, like any person out there, when it came in the evening, I started to get hungry, actually, my stomach felt empty. So I had to eat. Problem: my mouth and stomach doesn't know what to eat. 

Not fun. 

So I looked at our local grocery places (Safeway, Superstore and T&T); then I check out some restaurants around; my stomach and mouth felt nothing. They had no craving and wants. Of course, I scrummage around the place and there was no solid food. Boo.

I then suggested we go to Burger King and get some Whopper Wednesday and Poutine. I'm Canadian. That at least made me full but my tummy is not happy. It wants something but I don't know what. 

Hence moody tummy.

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